2022 加拿大首屆珍珠奶茶節特別報導 (2022 Vancouver Bubble Tea Festival)

2022 加拿大首屆珍珠奶茶節特別報導 (2022 Vancouver Bubble Tea Festival)

首屆珍珠奶茶節 舉辦的非常成功 更難得的是還能邀請到BC省督Janet Austin的光臨, 代表英國女皇出席, 以及得到來自各種不同族裔的參與, 如此熱烈的迴響,可見國民飲品已經成功站上世界舞台 更說明了珍珠奶茶的號召力 打動人心, 征服世界, 同時在海外的台僑們不斷努力下 幫助台灣打響名號 站上國際舞台。

The first Pearl Milk Tea Festival was a great success!
It was rare to have the presence of Janet Austin, the Governor of BC on behalf of the Queen of England.
With the continuous efforts of overseas Taiwanese help Taiwan make a name for itself on the international stage.


A modern theme for the film industry & video production
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